NORTHERN KENYA CAUCUS currently has been concentrating on Mandera East and Lafey
Districts and are WESCOORD(Humanitarian Response-Kenya) focal NGO for the same area. The activities include
WASH(e) Water, Sanitation and Health with some components of education and Mass
Livestock Vaccination in the same area. We are working to expand to Wajir
and adjacent areas soon.
NORTHERN KENYA CAUCUS works and implements to
supplement the efforts of the GOK(Government of Kenya) and The
International Donors and NGO's (INGO'S) together with other
stakeholders in addressing overall developmental challenges within
Northern Kenya region.
Our main focus previously was so much about Drought Emergency
Programs but has since changed towards General development matters as our scope
broadened in many aspects.
We are now so much focused on Water, Education and
Health (Sanitation and Hygiene), Gender and Small Arms and Light weapons
reduction strategies around the Northern Kenya and the adjacent
Kenya-Somalia border regions
NORTHERN KENYA CAUCUS will focus on the following intervention areas in the next five-year period from 2017 to 2018:
Humanitarian response
Our main focus previously was so much about Drought Emergency Programs but has since changed towards General development matters as our scope broadened in many aspects.
We are now so much focused on Water, Education and Health (Sanitation and Hygiene), Gender and Small Arms and Light weapons reduction strategies around the Northern Kenya and the adjacent Kenya-Somalia border regions
Humanitarian response
Kenya and the region including Somalia has suffered from 18 years of civil war and severe natural calamities such as drought and flooding. These disasters directly affect the degree of self-reliance of communities and the access to primary education, infrastructure, Health systems. Therefore, NORTHERN KENYA CAUCUS aims to provide relief services to minimize the impact of these calamities on their projects.
Sustainable livelihoods
Sustainable livelihoods
Interventions in this area will mostly focus on adaptation of rural livelihoods to climate change and to build resilience of communities against climate change and frequent disasters. Other programs like Mass Livestock vaccination to reduce cross border diseases(Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia) will also envisaged.
School WASH Programs
In Kenya, Somali ethnic groups school enrollment rates in primary
education are still very low. NORTHERN
KENYA CAUCUS aims to provide
school-aged children with education. Its focus will be on promoting equal
access for boys and girls and to favor a more child-friendly learning
environment. Improved access to and enhanced quality of education will result
in better job opportunities for school graduates.
To add on to that, School going children require healthy
environment to study, Require sanitation improvement in their schools, Need
safe and clean adequate Water to drink and use..They will also need to have
sheds to eat their meals and adequate Hygiene environments in Dormitories and
Kitchen. These are all aspects envisaged by NORTHERN
Schools Sanitary Pads Distribution
School WASH Programs
Schools Sanitary Pads Distribution
We are also stimulating the use of sanitary pads by girls in schools so as to increase their enrolments, reduce burden and achieve gender parity in schools.
We are also stimulating the use of sanitary pads by girls in schools so as to increase their enrolments, reduce burden and achieve gender parity in schools.
NORTHERN KENYA CAUCUS recognizes the important role that
women play in development. They provide food for the family, raise the
children, and are often the binding factor between families in the community.
There is a lot to enhance in the overall situation of Somali women in Kenya.
Poverty, lack of access to education and primary healthcare, high-risk of
contracting HIV/AIDS, maternal mortality during delivery, harmful traditional,
cultural, and social practices, such as female genital mutilation (FGM),
gender-based violence, lack of access and control of economic resources and
lack of participation in decision-making processes are the main issues that NORTHERN KENYA CAUCUS will address.
Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW)
The interest of Small arms and light weapons reduction has really
touched our heart. The Failed country of Somalia neighbouring Kenya has had
many challenges to small arms proliferation across our borders. These arms are
sometime used by local communities to protect their resources and hence ends up
in almost every settlement. These creates tension and sometimes conflicts. With
conflicts comes Cattle rustling, Robberies, Killing and which agrravates
counter revenge. These situations take an active role in the lack of
development in many of these areas and SALW reduction, though challenging but
has since become really important to us. We are looking at engaging them to
stimulate peace, co-existence and hence development.
We constantly liaise with our partners to address matters that
impacts communities. This we do by sharing datas on Early warning in regions
mostly affected by Droughts and famine.We give information on a platform where
stakeholders can be able to survey and help in times of need.
Based on NORTHERN KENYA CAUCUS’s strategic
position and experience gained over the past ten years of existence, our
current objectives aim to increase educational opportunity, improve the position
of women, and provide relief for refugees and people in disaster areas. The
organisation also aims to increase the global Diaspora’s engagement with Kenya
and Somalia.
NORTHERN KENYA CAUCUS will promote, support and lead
projects that will:
- Increase
formal and informal education by creating child-friendly learning
environments, offering educational opportunities for children of school
age, enhancing the quality and capacity of teachers, engaging parents,
teachers and communities in educational activities, promoting the unity of
educational organisation's, and advocating peace and stability in the
- Create
enabling environments for women in social, economic and political realms,
increase advocacy for women’s emancipation from the degrading practice of
female genital mutilation (FGM), and increase facilities for the care of
mothers and children.
- Spur
self-reliance of communities by increasing individual entrepreneurial
skills, promote capacity of community group businesses, and engage communities
for peace and reconciliation programs.
- Promote
and create Peace and Conflict resolution methods to spur development along
the Kenya-Somalia Borders.
- Promotion
of Safe Healthy Lifestyles including the reduction of the spread of
HIV(Aids) in Kenya.
NORTHERN KENYA CAUCUS seeks to involve youth in sport
events, debates, exchanges, and fundraising events and to partner itself with
other migrants and indigenous youth organizations. See NORTHERN KENYA
CAUCUS mid-term strategic plan for more information.
We are also seriously putting up on the communities receptive move
towards our understanding of the Long term Projects and we will be rolling some
new plans to address their issues. We have done various assesment on the field
in terms of Water and general Livelihoods to move ahead and understand the
In Summary, Our Programs include:
- Supplementing
the (RSMP) Kenya School Feeding Programme- Targeting left out
Schools in mostly ASAL region.
- Information
on Famine and drought Emergencies - This includes Early Warning System,
Advocacy and Planning with relevant stakeholders.
- Emergency
Relief Food Distribution and Disaster Management - Food
- Emergency
Water Distribution through trucking and other means.
- Water
Resource Development - Drilling of Boreholes, Repair & Maintenance of
- Boreholes,
Windmills and construction of new Water Pans, Water Storage
- Food
Security Long Term initiatives - This includes Green House irrigation,
- Climate
Change Awareness and Initiatives.
- Other
Community Social Developments - Youth and Community Forums on various
issues including Culture.
- Other
directions - Tourism and Travel, Community Initiatives
We focus on result oriented programs
and achieving results and this helps us in:
• Improving the community's resolve to achieve development ;
• Achieving the Mellinium Goals advocated Worldwide;

In Summary, Our Programs include:
• Improving the community's resolve to achieve development ;