Many of these Corporate organizations work with people in communities through Governmental organizations to create and support projects most relevant to communities. Many of these programs may sometime include customized local initiatives, converged in the areas of Education, Provision of Water, Healthy Environment or just normal CSR projects that touch on Disaster reduction and Relief Programs.
It is extremely true that region like Northern Kenya are primarily inhabited by people who are new to sanitary pads, people of lower middle class families, working poor and older people living on modest fixed incomes from their livestock or some agriculture. The Girl in Schools are In Overall statistics in a very bad situation. In figures supplied by World Organizations, it is estimated that:
A girl absent from school due to menses for 4 days in 28 days (a month) loses 13 learning days equivalent to 2 weeks of learning in every school term. In a year (9 months) a girl loses 39 learning days equivalent to 6 weeks of learning time. A girl in primary school between grades 6 and 8 (3 years) loses 18 learning weeks out of 108 weeks. Within the 4 years of high school the same girl loses 156 learning days equivalent to almost 24 weeks out of 144 weeks of learning in High school. This is a clear indication that a girl child is a school drop-out while still in school
Through this, we urge other partners to emulate the same and help supplement government, agencies efforts to help our less fortunate in the societies.