Oxfam says 12 billion bullets are
produced each year - almost two for every person in the world
Humanitarian charity Oxfam has launched a new campaign to call for the regulation of the sale of ammunition around the world. It comes ahead of a United Nations summit in July on bringing in a new arms trade treaty to regulate the sale of arms. Oxfam is arguing that any treaty must also regulate ammunition trade or the treaty "doesn't make sense". But a number of nations, including the US and China, oppose such a move. Egypt, Syria, Russia, Iran, Venezuela and several other countries are also against including ammunition trade in any final treaty, arguing that it will be too difficult to monitor.
While Oxfam was releasing it's report, Another Special Report series that comprises of research publications jointly released by the Small Arms Survey(Geneva) with partners including the Kenya National Focal Point on Small Arms and Light Weapons titled " Availability of Small Arms and Perceptions of Security in Kenya was being released in Nairobi, Kenya touching on almost all aspects of SALW.

In her report, Oxfam found that the global ammunitions industry for small arms and light weapons is worth $4.3bn (£2.78bn), much more than the trade in the weapons themselves, with 12 billion bullets produced a year. Anna Macdonald, head of arms control at the charity, said: "A gun without a bullet is a very large metal stick, basically. Ammunition is literally the fuel of conflict.
"The trade in ammunition is
lucrative, but while the monetary cost of production is low, the price paid in
human lives for the trade in ammunition is incalculable."
Download Oxfam Report Here
The parameters of the new treaty, if is is passed, will be worked at a month-long UN conference in July between arms companies, governments and aid agencies. A draft treaty which would ban all weapons sales to countries that fail to meet various human rights criteria has already been provisionally agreed to by 153 counties. The aim is for it to bring various international laws governing the sale of arms into one legally-binding treaty.
The parameters of the new treaty, if is is passed, will be worked at a month-long UN conference in July between arms companies, governments and aid agencies. A draft treaty which would ban all weapons sales to countries that fail to meet various human rights criteria has already been provisionally agreed to by 153 counties. The aim is for it to bring various international laws governing the sale of arms into one legally-binding treaty.
Global sales of ammunition are worth
more than $4bn and are growing at a faster rate than trade in guns, yet there
is virtually no regulation in place to control where the bullets end up,
according to international agency Oxfam, in a new report today.
Oxfam says only a minority of
countries report on their ammunition exports and there is hardly any monitoring
by intergovernmental agencies covering this trade. To make matters worse, data
on ammunition is often not listed separately and is just added to data on
general arms exports, making it hard to monitor the bullets' final destination.
Of the 34 of states that have publicly reported on their arms exports since
2006, 28 (see full lists below) did manage to report on ammunition exports as
an explicit category including the UK, the US and France. But due to the
magnitude of the trade, regulation through an international treaty is urgently
needed to ensure transparent reporting. Macdonald added: "There are no
global controls on ammunition flows and no global reporting system to keep
track on where the billions of bullets are ending up. That must change."
Oxfam researchers found some of the
biggest gaps in information related to undocumented ammunition transfers to
war-torn countries. The report says many bullets end up diverted into the hands
of armed groups, often prolonging conflicts and increasing the chance of human
rights abuses.