A 6 month GBV/HIV (Gender Based Violence & Aids) campaign is set for a launch in the Muslim dominated Eastleigh, Nairobi-Kenya with the intention of reducing the stigma related to HIV and PLWHIV(People living with HIV). The Program is being co-ordinated by our NGO, NORKENYA with the USAID-Aphia Plus Nairobi and Coast intending to support it along with GiZ(German Technical Co-operation) and MSF-France with clinics in both Biafra and Mathare respectively, will be carried out starting soon to culminate with this year's 16 day activism.

Eastleigh and wider Kamukunji areas.
The program is designed to provide improved information, awarness on GBV/HIV among the communities by discussing on the Prevention, treatment and care and will be expanded to be sustainable while making sure that all other inclusive preventions are taken care of. Breastfeeding Programs will also be encouraged in reproductive health programs going along with these programs. Care and support together with integrated reproductive health and family planning services will also go along the way. The program will also encourage increased service access and use and the promotion of healthy behaviors among the densely populated people of Eastleigh who are at the risk of further HIV infections.
Madam Doctor Margaret Kariuki of Pathfinder -Aphia Plus, Nairobi and Coast Region, further urged on creating partnerships between Stakeholders and Private Health Facilities like Medina Nursing Home which can be used for programs that are aimed at Testing for HIV and initial contacts for GBV programs. She said, these private Clinics can work with MSF France and GIZ Clinics based on the outskirts of Eastleigh for further referrals.

To enhance co-ordination, capacities and participation and creating linkages with all stakeholders, from the campaigns, to strive and lobby by supporting women participation in all spheres of life be they in reproductive HIV/Education, to create a lot of input to enhance on tackling Gender relations as concerns culture. It was noted that, there is a low level of interest for girl’s education in Somali and Ethiopian communities. The Societies have no focus for women empowerment and education.
To make sure those tendencies towards engaging girls in forced labour to raise incomes for household needs will be curbed and in some cases, a lot of campaign will be embarked on stopping early marriages and prostitution and to make sure challenges of women subjected to marginalization due to a set system which reduces women rights considerably will be checked. This will include specific programs targeted at Somali Bantu communities.To look at results oriented monitoring where FGM will be decreased not to affect HIV/AIDS campaigns.Under the campaigns, to also look to explain that women under inheritance need to be observed In Muslim and Somali Communities.
The meeting resolved to enhance an anti-Rape, anti-stigmatization and trauma trainings and to make sure that, a cluster working group on GBV/HIV/FGM be created in the process to also work on the 16 days activism.
The coming six month program will be a pilot phase, it was said and stakeholders were encouraged to review and continue with the sustainable project.