Situation Report on Northern Kenya Drought and Famine
The Pictures say them all. You have seen the glaring images of malnourished children clad on the backs of starving mothers trekking miles upon miles in faint hope of finding help. Hundreds of thousands are reported dead across the horn of Africa. . At this rate, millions more are in danger of dying from starvation. Help is needed. Your help is needed now. There is no sign of rain in sight. Not any time in the near future.
Kenya, which has traditionally hosted refugees and displaced persons from neighboring countries, is now also staggering with millions of its own citizens and immigrants tightly gripped by famine.
There is a lot of blame game about how this famine could have been averted, who is responsible and on and on. But it is no time for blame. It is time to act and act quickly.
In Kenya, the Northern region is the hardest hit. From Lake Turkana to the borders of Somalia and Ethiopia, the scenes are horrifying. The look on sunken eyes and collapsed cheeks of innocent children is permeating. This region has suffered periodic droughts but the magnitude of this famine is beyond any recent memory. In fact, experts say famine as pervasive as this one has never been recorded.

Northern Kenya Caucus(NORKENYA) along with many other Local NGO's under the KENYA-SOMALI NGO's CONSORTIUM is leading an effort to bring together donors and philanthropic organizations and individuals to help provide water and food to starving families in Kenya.
We are appealing to organizations, businesses and persons to join this emergency response and contribute both in cash and kind.
Please send your DONATIONS to Northern Kenya Caucus Drought and Emergency Fund A/C # 110066 , FIRST COMMUNITY BANK KENYA LIMITED
The Pictures say them all. You have seen the glaring images of malnourished children clad on the backs of starving mothers trekking miles upon miles in faint hope of finding help. Hundreds of thousands are reported dead across the horn of Africa. . At this rate, millions more are in danger of dying from starvation. Help is needed. Your help is needed now. There is no sign of rain in sight. Not any time in the near future.
Kenya, which has traditionally hosted refugees and displaced persons from neighboring countries, is now also staggering with millions of its own citizens and immigrants tightly gripped by famine.
There is a lot of blame game about how this famine could have been averted, who is responsible and on and on. But it is no time for blame. It is time to act and act quickly.
In Kenya, the Northern region is the hardest hit. From Lake Turkana to the borders of Somalia and Ethiopia, the scenes are horrifying. The look on sunken eyes and collapsed cheeks of innocent children is permeating. This region has suffered periodic droughts but the magnitude of this famine is beyond any recent memory. In fact, experts say famine as pervasive as this one has never been recorded.
Northern Kenya Caucus(NORKENYA) along with many other Local NGO's under the KENYA-SOMALI NGO's CONSORTIUM is leading an effort to bring together donors and philanthropic organizations and individuals to help provide water and food to starving families in Kenya.
We are appealing to organizations, businesses and persons to join this emergency response and contribute both in cash and kind.
Please send your DONATIONS to Northern Kenya Caucus Drought and Emergency Fund A/C # 110066 , FIRST COMMUNITY BANK KENYA LIMITED
For more information from in/outside Kenya, Pls call +254.726-814-441